Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spring Council Meeting

Sandy and I wanted to let all those connected with putting on the Spring Council meeting that you did a great job! It was a wonderful meeting and we enjoyed it very much. The guest speaker, Janet Carson, was so informative, inspiring (as was Phyllis Pipkin), and natural (must go with the State Motto). The table decorations were lovely, the door prizes amazing, and the food utterly delicious and wholesome. Kudos to everyone who worked to make it a wonderful time.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bon appetite!

If you were at Spring Council Meeting you heard about Clarice Sandberg's daughter, Cynthia Sandberg, who owns Love Apple Farms in Santa Cruz, California. She will be in the August issue of the magazine Bon Apetite, which comes out in mid July. Her website is:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Quick Reminder

Friday, May 20 is a Lunch n Learn leader lesson on "Berries". Preregister at the Extension Office.

On Friday, May 27 you're in for "A Bloomin' Good Time" at the Spring Council Meeting with Janet Carson as speaker. Cost is $7, payable by Monday, May 23.