&Flower Pin Cushion
February 4, 2011
Special Interesst Workshop for Feb. 4, 2011, is a apron and flower pin cushion. Lakeside will be the host club and Katy Weaver will be the teacher. Supplies are to be furnished by the participants. There are so many creative fabrics designs available, let you imagination be you quide or raid your stash of fabrics and put them to good use. Workshop will be held at the EHC building at 4831 Malvern R., at 9AM. Cost is $3 for members and $4 for non members. Register and pay fee at the Extension Office at 236 Woodbine and obtain supply list. Pre-class pattern cutting is required. This information is included in supply list. Samples are on display at the Extension Office and at the EHC building will be a sample or picture of finished product.